
It feels a little...mad here, doesn't it? Well, that's the nature of a Faerie Ring!

Thursday, April 8, 2021


 Ah, I live!  And so does this blog!  There were some rough times in the past--lost jobs, a parental passing, relationship troubles, and then a new job and a new relationship (not to mention stupid covid lockdown, ugh!)...y'know...the "usual" life stuff that kicks you to the curb and knocks out all the teeth in your head and you're left scrambling around putting the pieces back together--but I am back for more here!  

I know, I know..."Teresea Fae, that's what you said in your last post that was FIVE YEARS AGO!"  

Okay, you know what?  Life happens (see 1st paragraph).  Sometimes it's one step forwards, two steps back...and vice versa--I've danced a complex rhumba over the last several years and I think I'm in a pretty great place now, thank you very much.  And I want to return here, to this blog, The Faerie Ring.

 Why not just use social media?  Well, hmm, lemme think...  Maybe it's because I really, really, passionately detest the social media atmosphere and I really, really, truly missed this space of mine, so I am raising it from the dead--just like a necromancer.  A digital necromancer.  A digimancer?  No, not a Digimon.  Pokemon all the way, dudes.

Joking aside, I am excited to share new vistas of Arts and mysticism on this blog again.  I've got some neat things planned--graveyard photos, sketches, piano music, mythology musings, and lots of writing, just to name a few--to share and I can't wait to document what I'm up to again.


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